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  • mcr2957

Finals Weeks

The two weeks that consisted of finals was hell. The night I got back from New Zealand I got horribly ill. I had a fever of 104 for five days, a huge rash on my chest, swollen eyes, light headedness, and a very dry throat. At some point I think i was hallucinating. I was insanely dehydrated because I kept sweating due to the fever. I had a test a couple days after the trip and although I tried studying for it, I was so sick I didn't retain any information. When I went to take the test I was still really sick but I think I did okay on it... fingers crossed. I'm pretty sure part way through the test I just kind of went on autopilot. Anyway I spent the rest of the day at the hospital where they gave me fluids and I took a nap. They never figured out what I had but a couple days later I felt fine. After my first final, I had two weeks before my last final which happened to be on the last day of finals. I have never watched so much Netflix in my life. I was so insanely bored and I stopped caring about my finals so much I lost all motivation to study. I actually went to Maggie Island one of the days and saw a mama and baby Koala. I ended up studying two days before the test. I stopped listening to the professor on the second week because he was boring so I basically studied and learned an entire semesters worth of content in two days. I was also really sad because literally everyone in my hall finished their tests earlier in the week so they were all partying and I was stuck in my room studying like a sad potato. On the bright side, I called Virgin Australia to see if I could move my flight up a couple days and how much would that cost and they said it would be free. So now I am flying into California on June 25 so I can hang out with my family for a couple days before going back up to Flagstaff. Anyway, on Friday I went in to take my last final. All I needed was a 65% to do well in the class. I felt good on the essay portion which was 50% of the test. But on the multiple choice I felt really good on half the questions and then with the other half of the questions I kind of took my best educated guess. So hopefully I passed. But now that my finals are finally done I can enjoy Australia to the max for my last couple of days. I am hoping for a stress free, slightly intoxicated, farewell to Australia. Overall I love Australia, but I absolutely despise JCU and it kind of left a damper on my experience, none the less I am so glad I came. Hopefully the next few days are better than the last two weeks :)

Here's a picture of the mama and baby Koala...

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