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My Adventure Begins

My name is Malia Runge and I am studying criminology and criminal justice at Northern Arizona University located in Flagstaff, Arizona. I am currently a junior. I plan to do something with anti human trafficking, specifically child sex trafficking. During my sophomore year, I decided I wanted to go abroad. NAU has an amazing study abroad program that allows all scholarships to be applied to any university a student decided to visit. I also had a semester dedicated specifically to general electives so I thought to myself, why not take advantage of this awesome opportunity. I decided to go to James Cook University in Townsville, Australia because it is right next to the Great Barrier Reef and I have always wanted to scuba dive there. The process to go abroad is a lot harder than I ever thought t would be. There are so many hoops someone needs to jump through to go abroad. The semester before I went abroad was easily the most stressful semester of my college career. On top a a 21 credit course load and a job to save up money, I also had to start the process to go abroad. Finally, after months of pure stress, I was ready to go abroad. After I said goodbye to all of my friends, I finished packing so I could catch my flight the next day. Here we go.

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